Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Bill of Immorality (Vendmerc Mangahas' reaction to RH bill)

For a very conservative catholic country like the Philippines, the RH Bill will really be very controversial. But as a Catholic with a very strong faith, I am very much against the RH Bill for many reasons. First, I believe that contraceptives are not the solution to the problem. I think that abstinence will be the best solution to our growing population. Abstinence plus a correct thinking will solve the problem. Second, in my opinion, the promotion of artificial contraceptives will only promote immorality. Sex is sacred. It is only done by married couples. If they are not married, better not to do it. A wrong thing cannot correct another wrong thing. Third, there are a lot of better alternatives to artificial contraception. Education and changing the mindset of the next generation can make a difference. Fourth, the government must use the funds that will be used for the RH campaign for other purposes like alleviating poverty. The indebted government must not waste funds for things that the Filipino will not benefit. Passing the RH bill will benefit large multinational companies that sell condoms, pills and other contraceptives. Imagine, are there any company in the Philippines that make these things??? None! So why do our leaders sell our morality for the benefit of foreign companies? In my opinion, I think it is the time that we, Filipinos, unite again against the greatest threat to our society in this generation. We must fight the RH Bill. We must not give up our morality for the sake of pleasure and unreal benefits. Everything in this world has costs, and this RH bill will entail a very high cost to our society not only economically but in everything.

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