Thursday, December 9, 2010

Alternative Energy Resources for the Future

We are having energy crises. What should we do to save ourselves from this problem? Or, rather, are there ways to save ourselves and if there are, what are they?

Of course, being the most intellectual creatures created by God, we, humans, have been able to find ways on how to have electricity by other means.

According to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, the following are one of the most popular alternative sources of energy:

Solar power is the conversion of sunlight into electricity, either directly using photovoltaics (PV), or indirectly using concentrated solar power (CSP). CSP systems use lenses or mirrors and tracking systems to focus a large area of sunlight into a small beam. PV converts light into electric current using the photoelectric effect.

Biomass, a renewable energy source, is biological material from living, or recently living organisms, such as wood, waste, (hydrogen) gas, and alcohol fuels. Biomass is commonly plant matter grown to generate electricity or produce heat. In this sense, living biomass can also be included, as plants can also generate electricity while still alive. The most conventional way in which biomass is used, however, still relies on direct incineration. Forest residues for example (such as dead trees, branches and tree stumps), yard clippings, wood chips and garbage are often used for this. However, biomass also includes plant or animal matter used for production of fibers or chemicals. Biomass may also include biodegradable wastes that can be burnt as fuel. It excludes organic materials such as fossil fuels which have been transformed by geological processes into substances such as coal or petroleum.

Wind power is the conversion of wind energy into a useful form of energy, such as using wind turbines to make electricity, wind mills for mechanical power, wind pumps for pumping water or drainage, or sails to propel ships.

Hydropower, hydraulic power or water power is power that is derived from the force or energy of moving water, which may be harnessed for useful purposes. Prior to the widespread availability of commercial electric power, hydropower was used for irrigation, and operation of various machines, such as watermills, textile machines, sawmills, dock cranes, and domestic lifts.

Geothermal energy (from the Greek roots geo, meaning earth, and thermos, meaning heat) is thermal energy stored in the Earth. Thermal energy is energy that determines the temperature of matter. Earth's geothermal energy originates from the original formation of the planet, from radioactive decay of minerals, from volcanic activity, and from solar energy absorbed at the surface. The geothermal gradient, which is the difference in temperature between the core of the planet and its surface, drives a continuous conduction of thermal energy in the form of heat from the core to the surface.

According to Jeffrey Orlof in his article, “What are the Different Types of Alternative Energy Sources,” There are many reasons we are looking towards alternative energy sources. With many countries, and US cities, signing the Kyoto Treaty, efforts to reduce pollutants and greenhouse gases are a primary focus in today's culture. Alternative, or renewable energy, sources show significant promise in helping to reduce the amount of toxins that are by-products of energy use. Not only do they protect against harmful by-products, but using alternative energy helps to preserve many of the natural resources that we currently use as sources of energy. 

In the Philippines, the government is very supportive of using alternative energy resources. In fact, in North Luzon, a $400M project is being built. We hope that the countries all over the world would support these projects so as to save Mother Earth. Let us all do what we can to save our country and our beloved Earth.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Bill of Immorality (Vendmerc Mangahas' reaction to RH bill)

For a very conservative catholic country like the Philippines, the RH Bill will really be very controversial. But as a Catholic with a very strong faith, I am very much against the RH Bill for many reasons. First, I believe that contraceptives are not the solution to the problem. I think that abstinence will be the best solution to our growing population. Abstinence plus a correct thinking will solve the problem. Second, in my opinion, the promotion of artificial contraceptives will only promote immorality. Sex is sacred. It is only done by married couples. If they are not married, better not to do it. A wrong thing cannot correct another wrong thing. Third, there are a lot of better alternatives to artificial contraception. Education and changing the mindset of the next generation can make a difference. Fourth, the government must use the funds that will be used for the RH campaign for other purposes like alleviating poverty. The indebted government must not waste funds for things that the Filipino will not benefit. Passing the RH bill will benefit large multinational companies that sell condoms, pills and other contraceptives. Imagine, are there any company in the Philippines that make these things??? None! So why do our leaders sell our morality for the benefit of foreign companies? In my opinion, I think it is the time that we, Filipinos, unite again against the greatest threat to our society in this generation. We must fight the RH Bill. We must not give up our morality for the sake of pleasure and unreal benefits. Everything in this world has costs, and this RH bill will entail a very high cost to our society not only economically but in everything.

Can We Not Say Both Yes and No? (Gianna Velasquez's Reaction to RH Bill)

Coming from a Catholic family, it would definitely be against my religion for me to take the pro-RH bill side, but I believe that it is for the betterment of the country if the government would implement this bill as a law. Yes, I am a devout Catholic. Yes, my family is religious. But I believe that this RH bill is what we need for our country to experience economic growth and not just growth in the population of the country.

I think that it is best to implement the RH bill as a law so as to stop the continuous increase of the population of the masses, namely those who are in the lowest tier of the social classes. I believe that implementing this would help in teaching those who are not highly educated to know the consequences of having children more than they could afford to. These people must know the responsibilities of having children.

I believe that employing this bill as a law would lessen those who are of my age who are marrying at an early age because of unexpected pregnancy. This is because of their lack of knowledge of what awaits them when they have sex irresponsibly. This neglect of simple facts leads to severe results such as these teenagers not being able to finish their schooling and adding to the number of the people who are in the lowest tier of the social classes.

I cannot say that I agree to teaching sex education to young minds especially to those who are in grade school. Students in their 3rd year would be the best market for this sex education. I consider it irresponsible and unethical to teach young children about things like sex and what happens if they would not be responsible. This so-called education would stain the pure minds of children at their early age.

The Catholic Church insists that it would be best to use the natural methods of family planning. But what difference does it make? Why do they say that it would be killing the life that is supposed to be formed if people would use contraceptives when in fact, the natural method that they want Filipinos to use would do the same as what these contraceptives do? I am not against what the Catholic Church fights for, it’s just that what they are fighting for is not logical for me.

I must also stress the fact that there is a separation of the Church from the State. Therefore, the Church must not hinder what the State implements especially of it is for the development and advancement of our country.

Take a look at how Singapore is now. It's economy is now one of the greatest ones in Asia and one of the factors which led to its growth is the two-child policy that was implemented in the country. This two-child policy might not be the same as our RH bill but it definitely shows that these bills regarding reproductive health give a positive effect on the mother country which implements that certain law. Another example is China which implemented the one-child policy basically because of its over population but this implementation also had positive effects on China's economy. Now, China's economy is booming all over the world.

I am a supporter of the RH bill. Though I believe that there should be changes in the bill before it would be acted out as a law, it would definitely be for the best of the country and its economy if we promote this bill. And those who will benefit most with the implementation of the RH bill would be the future generation because our act now would definitely make their future a brighter tomorrow.

Monday, December 6, 2010

No to RH Bill (Clara Manansala's Reaction to RH Bill)

RH Bill (Reproductive Health and Population Development Act of 2008) or the House Bill No. 5043 is an act providing for a national policy on reproductive health, responsible parenthood and population development, and for other purposes.
According to one blog, the RH Bill hopes to give the people the right to choose. To choose to protect oneself from AIDS, from STDs, to have a better quality of life for the children they already have, among other things. The RH Bill also addresses gender equality, a right many women do not enjoy in this country.
And for those who are in favor of the RH Bill, they believe that the issues regarding the RH bill cannot be solve if we rely our defenses on religion, simply because religion is a very sensitive and personal thing, a matter of faith. No religion has the monopoly of truths. As human beings aspiring to attain our own divinities, they said that we must continue to endeavor to learn from every resource available, and we must think outside the box if we want to learn more. Therefore, the issues of the RH Bill must be approached using “reason”, and not religion.
Also, some of the supporters of the bill wanted the Catholic Church to leave the issue. They said that it is about time that the Roman Catholic Church should stay out of politics.
However, for those who are against the RH Bill, they argue that sex must only be used for procreation and that preventing life is immoral.
Also, the oppositions believe that the RH Bill will only result in big profits for foreign drug manufacturers. These foreign companies, with the help of supportive legislators, will change the way we raise our children and our families by passing the bill into law.
Personally, I’m against the RH Bill. I was born Catholic, baptized Catholic, and confirmed Catholic. Basically, I’m raised on the Catholic way. I believe that the advocates of the bill were attacking the sacredness of life. And for those who are attacking the Catholic Church, YOU SHOULD THINK FIRST! Because the bishops and the priests are not really against population control if the sanctity of human life is protected.
Also, the CBCP endorsed natural family planning as one such birth control method, and they further recommended that government funding on contraceptives be directed towards anti-poverty, anti-hunger, and educational projects. (CBCPNews)
And even Pope Benedict XVI said that he “commends the Church in the Philippines for seeking to play its part in support of human life from conception until natural death, and in defense of the integrity of marriage and the family. In these areas you are promoting truths about the human person and about society which arise not only from divine revelation but also from the natural law, an order which is accessible to human reason and thus provides a basis for dialogue and deeper discernment on the part of all people of good will.”
Furthermore, I’m against the ideas of giving sex lessons in school, and allowing the teenage children (ages 12 to 17) to hunger for "satisfying sex" by using condoms and contraceptives--because the bill, if it becomes law, will give them that right to have "satisfying sex" anytime they want to, and the law forbids the parents to stop them.

Pro-Choice, Pro-QUALITY Life (Jannie Icban's Reaction to RH Bill)

                Two groups of people known as the “pro-choice” and “pro-life” are taking the center stage in the news media on their argument whether the Reproductive Health  bill should be passed or not. It became a big issue as both groups had reached to the point of calling each other names like “Satan” and “Damaso”. According to the proponents of the bill or the pro-choice, this bill aims for responsible parenthood and freedom to choose the method of family planning to be used that would lead to a lower population growth rate in the Philippines. However, the opponents of the bill or the pro-life, consist mainly of the members of the Catholic Church, say that this bill would bring down morality by promoting pre-marital sex and by encouraging about-to-be mothers to kill their unborn child.
If the case is like what the pro-life says, then I also oppose the bill. However, as I read and analyze the contents of this proposed law, I don’t think this bill would be what they claim to be immoral. It does not promote pre-marital sex among teenagers because of its proposed sex education in school. Rather, it aims to EDUCATE teenagers on reproductive health, the consequences of having sex and the different ways of family planning, to guide them towards becoming responsible parents someday. I think that the claims of the church are somewhat misleading people to think that this bill is into “allowing everyone to have sex as long as it is safe”.
I believe that there is a link between the Philippines’ rapid growth rate and poverty. A lot of Filipino families are suffering from poverty because they give birth to more than they could feed. Its roots come from poor family planning. As the government seeks to educate people on family planning through this bill, I think more Filipino couples will become smart and responsible parents. It is by planning the number of children that you can care for to bring into the world can we experience a better quality of life.
Also, I think that this is actually a “pro-informed choice bill”. “Informed” in such a way that people will be taught of everything that concerns their reproductive health, like responsible parenthood, STDs, modes of family planning and government support to reproductive health. People are fed with several information, which they could use to make smart “choices” for their future.
Separation of Church and State
However, this bill has again created an unpleasant atmosphere between the state and the church. I am a Catholic and I believe and follow the teachings of the church. However, I think that the church should leave this issue to the state. This may be a country with majority of Catholics in it, but there are also non-believers who need support by the government in protecting themselves from STDs and unwanted pregnancies. I also believe that we should not force them to follow our customs and beliefs.
The state is a neutral body in this issue. It does not support any way of family planning but rather make every way available for people to choose from. The church, instead of meddling with the matters of the state regarding this bill, should focus on teaching its believers on what is right and wrong. If the non-believers choose other methods of family planning aside from the natural methods, then the church should respect that. People have the freedom to choose. For me, religion is a matter of belief and it should not be forced to everyone.
I am a pro-choice and I am pro-quality life!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Top 10 inventions of all time

Top 10 inventions of all time
1.       Incandescent Light bulb
The light bulb is a great invention not only because of the device itself but also the role this device played in our civilization. Without the incandescent light bulb, people in the 1900s will still use candles and gas lamps which are dangerous and not as good a lighting device as light bulbs. If the light bulbs were not invented, the progress of technology will be slow because people depend on light to do their work and to be more efficient. Because of the light bulb, workers e.g. inventors can do their work faster, more effective and efficient. This will result to faster production and in the long run rapid advancement in technology. We owe all the technology we have today to this humble device.
2.       Telegraph
Telegraph, system of communication employing electrical apparatus to transmit
and receive signals in accordance with a code of electrical pulses. Because of the telegraph, communication became faster. This resulted to a more efficient and effective government because this technology enables the government to act rapidly to any happenings in its territory. The army for example reacts rapidly to any threats to the country. Police can capture more criminals. Businesses can quickly adjust to changes in the market resulting to more profits. In short, the telegraph brought us peace, safety and wealth. This technology also served as the foundation for modern communication devices like cellphones.
3.       Transistors
Transistors are electronic devices used as amplifiers or oscillators in electrical systems. Transistors are very important because it is the device that built almost all electronic devices we have today. From radios to computers, without transistors these inventions would never exist.

4.       Nuclear Bomb
Many people associate nuclear bombs or nukes with the words mass destruction, total annihilation, death, evil, and apocalypse. But little do people know that we owe this bomb a lot. Why? Because nuclear weapons acts as a deterrent, preventing conflicts between nations. Because of this bomb, countries cannot attack other countries because they might be bombed with this weapon as retaliation.
5.       Printing Press
The printing press made the mass publication and circulation of literature possible. The effect is that the press made the people intelligent and literate.

6.       Battery
The invention of the battery enabled us to be more mobile. Imagine life without the battery. We could not use our phones, laptops, airplanes, cars, ipods and other things we could not live without these days. Also, if not because of the battery, we might not have this kind of advancement in technology today.
7.       Internet
The Internet improved us and our lives in infinite ways. Because of the internet, we now live in an interconnected world, giving us more wealth, infinite opportunities, endless communication, knowledge, information and other things that are very critical to everyone’s life.
8.       Antibiotics (especially penicillin)
We owe a lot to this discovery. Because of antibiotics, we are able to live a longer life than those of previous generations. We are able to beat cholera, tetanus, pneumonia, tuberculosis and other deadly bacterial infections that previously killed a lot of people.
9.       Glass Lens
Without the glass lens, we might still be using fire for lighting, sticks for fighting and bricks for building. Why? Because many of the scientific advances that modernize the world was possible only because people devised tools to improve their ability to see. The development of glass lenses has had profound consequences for humanity. The glass lens gave us the ability to see small or far things, resulting to new discoveries and in turn, new inventions
10.   Computer
Computers can be thought of as the greatest invention of all time because this device brought us billions of benefits and hundreds of thousands of new inventions and discoveries. Computers made us live our lives easier and happier, made our work faster and made us richer than what we are supposed to be. 

Me and My Cellphone

It was more than a decade ago since the introduction of cellphones (cellular phones) in the Philippines. At first, the functions of the cellphone were purely to call and text only. Eventually, phone manufacturers decided to put additional features; to name some are: Bluetooth, games, AM/FM Radio, camera, and music player. Through the years so called “smart phones” were manufactured. These smart phones contain powerful features that we never expected to be present in tiny gadgets such as cellular phones.

 The cellphone is considered to be one of the most significant discoveries of all time. Its major function is to serve as a superior gadget for better communication, but it can also serve its purpose for entertainment.

            You can use your cellphone to…

      …rescue you when there is an emergency
·    During times of crisis or when you are just alone, you can call your family or friends to seek for help.
·    When you are busy and you have to finish your group paper(s), you can just text your parents to inform them that you will go home late.

…make you happy when you are sad
·    You can text your friends to ask for advice when you have problems.
·    When you miss your family, you can give them a short call.
·    You can download video clips on your phone, so that you can watch them when you are lonely.
·    When you feel like you are being out-of-place, you can just turn on your wifi and surf the net.

…entertain you when you are boring
·    When you are tedious, you can check your phone, and see what’s hidden in it! Unexpectedly, you may find pleasure in scrutinizing its features. You may also play the games installed in it, or better yet, you can just download your favorite games and play them on your phone.
·    You can play your favorite songs on your phone whenever you want to hear them.
·    When you feel like dancing but there’s no background music to accompany you, then use your phone to provide the sound that you need.

Of course cellular phones also have their weaknesses and disadvantages. Some phones have short battery life. Others have less powerful camera, so they cannot capture good scenes. The smart phones are so popular nowadays that they're very much in demand to the public, that is including snatchers and hold-uppers.  Most of the old-model phones have become extinct. Some phones can depreciate very fast particularly NOKIA branded cellular phones. Some touch-screen phones cannot easily respond to the fast "pressing" or "touching" of the users. Phones with keypads on the other hand, particularly those with miniature keys, are difficult to use because you may probably press the wrong key.